Broadway In Chicago Main Logo

Happy New Year!

downtown_theatre_district-smallWelcome to a BRAND NEW year of the BROADWAY IN CHICAGO BLOG.  Get ready, because we are going to change things up in 2009 to make the BIC BLOG new and exciting, but most of all, we will be giving you just what you ask for…honest opinions from key Broadway In Chicago staff members and BEHIND THE SCENES news, tidbits and information.  Want to know what celebrity was in the audience at JERSEY BOYS Wednesday night?  Where is (really) the best place to sit in the theatre at not the highest price?  What is on the actors minds?  What funny thing happened during the WICKED performance yesterday that the audience didn’t even realize?  You’ll find it all right here!

Here’s how it will work…
Each Monday, Eileen LaCario, one of our two illustrious Broadway In Chicago Vice Presidents, will make observations of her side of the Broadway In Chicago world, backed-up by the knowledge of all her years in the business. Believe me, she knows all the dirt…

On Wednesdays, Gemma Mulvihill, the Executive Director Of Sales, will cover what people are saying. Anything “overheard” or what patrons are asking…Gemma has her ear to the ground and she’s prepared to share. And maybe even take your questions too! Or give you the answers to questions you didn’t even think to ask…

On Fridays, we will have our “Guest Blogger.” This could be anyone from a cast member of a show, a show producer, a box office agent telling you all the inside tips on getting the best seat in the house without paying the highest price or even our public relations team gabbing on what it’s like to take cast members on interviews and public appearances. Could be ANYTHING…

You asked for it, and we heard you. You wanted to know what really goes on at Broadway In Chicago, and in 2009 we will do our best to shed some light. Enjoy! And we hope to see you at the theatre very soon.