The Last Ship will finish its pre-Broadway run in Chicago today as the cast and crew prepare to sail over to New York. The entire creative team, including Sting, John Logan, Joe Mantello and Steven Hoggett, and cast have been a pleasure to host. We have loved having them here in Chicago and wish them all the best on Broadway! We’ve put together some of their fun moments around town and on opening night as a look back upon a fantastic experience in Chicago.

Sting and cast members at Wrigley Field and during Opening Night curtain call
“Driven by Sting’s ravishing score, this beautiful show magnifies the human heartbeat and captures a genuine sense of the yearning that keeps people going. In an age of empty spectacle, this show stands out for its magnificent authenticity. With THE LAST SHIP, Sting will leave an indelible imprint on that most American of art forms, the Broadway musical.”- Hedy Weiss, Chicago Sun-Times
“Beautiful. With this heartfelt tribute to the men of the lost shipbuilding industry, Sting proves that his formidable songwriting skills can translate to the Broadway stage.”- Chris Jones, Chicago Tribune
“Inspiring, deeply moving- absolutely superb. THE LAST SHIP is truly a must-see.”- Bill Zwecker, FOX TV
“Sting takes us on a spectacular voyage of music, humor, and passion.”- Janet Davies, ABC 7 Chicago
“THE LAST SHIP wraps its emotional arms around you from the first note and never lets go. An inventive, emotional, gripping production.”- Roy Leonard, Chicago Now